- git init <project> → create a new directory <project> with git repository
- git clone ssh:// → clone an existing repository
Local changes
- git status → changed files in your working directory
- git status -s → changed files in your working directory, short view
- git diff → changes to tracked files
- git diff --staged → changes to staged files
- git add . → add all current changes from current directory down
- git add .. → add all current changes from one directory up to down
- git add --all → add all current changes in whole repository
- git add -p <file> → add some changes in <file> to the next
- git rm <file> → remove <file> also from hard drive
- git rm --cached <file> → remove <file> only from repository (stays on hard drive)
- git mv README → git rm README, git add commit
- git commit -a → commit all local changes in tracked files
- git commit → commit previously staged changes
- git commit --amend → change the last commit
Commit history
- git log → show all commits, starting with newest
- git log -p <file> → show changes over time for specific <file>
- git log -2 → show last two commits
- git log --stat → show summarizing info per commit
- git log --pretty=oneline / short / full / fuller
- git log --pretty=format:“%h_%an, %ar : %s”
- git log --pretty=“%h - %s” → h = hash | s = subject
- git log --graph → shows commits with graph
- git log --since=2.weeks → show all commits since two weeks
- git log --until=3.weeks → show all commits until three weeks
- git log --author=<user> → show all commits from <user>
- git log --grep ‘commit name’ → filter commits with the commit name
- git log origin/master..HEAD → show commits which weren’t pushed yet
- git log -Sfunction_name → show all commits with this function in it
- git blame <file> → who changed what and when in <file>
- git branch -av → list all existing branches
- git branch <new-branch> → create a new branch based on your current HEAD
- git branch -d <branch> → delete a local branch
- git checkout <branch> → switch HEAD branch
- git checkout --track <remote/branch> → create a new tracking branch based on a remote branch
- git tag → lists all tags
- git tag <tag-name> → make a current commit with a tag
- git tag -a v1.0 -m ‘my version 1.0’ → create anotated tag
- git tag v1.4_lw → create lightweight tag
- git tag -a v0.6 9cf84 → put tag to particullar commit
- git show v 1.0
- git push origin <tagname> → push particullar tag
- git push origin --tags → push all the tags
Update and publish
- git remote → lists the shortname of each remote
- git remote -v → list all currently configured remotes
- git remote add <shortname> <url> → add new remote repository
- git remote show <remote> → show info about a remote
- git remote rename pb paul → rename remote from pb to paul
- git remote rm paul → remove remote paul
- git fetch <remote> → get all changes from remote (BUT NOT MERGE)
- git pull → get all changes from remote and MERGE
- git push <remote> <branch> → publish local changes on a remote
- git branch -dr <remote/branch> → delete a branch on the remote
Merge and rebase
- git merge <branch> → merge <branch> into your current HEAD
- git rebase <branch> → rebase your current HEAD onto <branch>
- git rebase --abort → abort rebase
- git rebase --continue → continue a rebase after resolving conflicts
- git mergetool → use your configured merge tool to solve conflicts
- git checkout HEAD <file> → discard local changes in a specific file
- git revert <commit> → revert a commit (by producing a new commit with contrary changes)
- git reset --hard HEAD → discard all local changes in you working directory
- git reset --hard <commit> → reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit …and discard all changes since then
- git reset <commit> → …and preserve all changes as unstaged changes
- git reset --keep <commit> → …and preserve uncommitted local changes
- git config --global “bendo”
- git config --global
global → write into config and ~
system → write into etc
without anything → write only to project
- git config --list → shows settings
- git config → shows user name from settings